Friday, 12 March 2010

You live, you learn...

They were both sad of what had just happend, but he had more doubts than her. And as she was walking away he asked "why now?" and her only answer was "You live, you learn". - Based on a true story.

What I'm talking about? About love. Yesterday I was invited to a certain type of meeting in which it's not of an especific religion but their main objective is to pray to the Lord and share their experiences of how He has transform their lives. On our way to the meeting, one of the guys who had invited me started to talk about how his love life had been before knowing Christ and how he changed everything he did after months of praying; it was a change of 180 degrees.

One of the things he shared with us was something that a friend of his once told him: EVERY EXPERIENCE YOU HAVE, YOU MUST SEE IT AS POSITIVE, why? because that is how we learn and that's when he told me about story of couple, the one with I started today: "You live, you learn".

After thought, I asked him about what if I was sick of dating and prefered to wait for the one with I'm supposed to be with the rest of my life. His answer was simple: the Lord will send you who ever He consideres is correct either for learning or for being your parterner de rest of your life: I must live to learn.

Then, another friend add his advise with the same words he had been advised; "Don't look for love, you must wait for it. And when your face to face, one in front of the other, you will reconized each other".

So that is it, that is what I'm gonna do, wait and accept what He decides what is best for me.


  1. que linda esto, Klau!

    Dios te va mandar el hombre que ha preparado para ti. A veces dudamos y hacemos las cosas a nuestra manera. Pero El te tiene lo mejor. :)

    Ay Klau te extranio tanto. Un ABRAZO

  2. I miss you too K! Y gracias por tus palabras, es dificil aceptar este tipo de cosas pero siempre hay personas ke te ayudan. Otro abrazo para ti =)
